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Week 7 – Research and Analysis Presentation - S1

Updated: Feb 18, 2023


Me and my partner Ivan is going to introduce Bauhaus art movement.

History of the art movement

I would start with the name Bauhaus, Bauhaus in German means 'building house'. It’s just the name of art schools. But Bauhaus was a new type of art school at that time. Historically, European art academies taught each design subject separately. But The Bauhaus offered foundation training in many art and design disciplines. The school sought to develop students who could unify art with the craft while embracing new technology. This school just became so famous for its approach to design and now we call it an art movement.

Get back to that time, the school existed in three German cities:

Weimar, from 1919 to 1925.

Dessau, from 1925 to 1932.

Berlin, from 1932 to 1933.

After 1933 the school was closed by its own leadership under pressure from the Nazi regime, Although the school was closed, the staff continued to spread its idealistic precepts as they left Germany and emigrated all over the world. (OpenLearn from The Open University, 2013.)

My friend Ivan would take you guys a little bit deeper into influential artists of the movement.

What identifies the movement

What are the key characteristics?

What differentiates the movement?

Just let me show you guys some Bauhaus artworks.

We can see that for the Bauhaus artworks. There are simple geometric shapes like rectangles and spheres, without elaborate decorations. Also, the color I want to mention, they used primary colors mainly just like the colors of this PowerPoint slides. They are blue, yellow, red, white, and grey. (MasterClass, 2021.)

What do you think about it.

Do you think it is ‘art’

I would say that I like it. Because it had a great impact on the design industry. Bauhaus is like the underlying theory for so many things nowadays. Like the signs on the street, the poster or advertisements you might see on the corner.

Take for example, the furniture. I would be a minimalist in terms of getting furniture for my room. So, that minimalism furniture might came from or influenced by the Bauhaus.

It definitely counted as an art movement, it’s revolutionary. Like the first time they changed the disciplines in Bauhaus art school, they try to combine art and design things together.

I took some pictures of the buildings and signs on the street that might be influenced by the Bauhaus movement.

Image References List

Image 1. Marianne Brandt. (1924) Tea infuser. Available from: 10 iconic Bauhaus furniture designs: chairs, tables, a lamp and a chess set ( [Accessed 17th February]

Image 2. Peter Keler. (1923). Baby Cradle. Available from: 10 iconic Bauhaus furniture designs: chairs, tables, a lamp and a chess set ( [Accessed 17th February]

Image 3. Josef Albers, (1921). Nesting Tables. Available from: 10 iconic Bauhaus furniture designs: chairs, tables, a lamp and a chess set ( [Accessed 17th February]

Image 4. William Wagenfeld and Carl Jakob Jucker, (1924). MT8 Lamp. Available from: 10 iconic Bauhaus furniture designs: chairs, tables, a lamp and a chess set ( [Accessed 17th February]

Image 5. Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich, (1929). Barcelona Chair. Available from: 10 iconic Bauhaus furniture designs: chairs, tables, a lamp and a chess set ( [Accessed 17th February]

Image 6. Mies van der Rohe, (1929). Brno Chair. Available from: 10 iconic Bauhaus furniture designs: chairs, tables, a lamp and a chess set ( [Accessed 17th February]

Research Reference List

OpenLearn from The Open University. Bauhaus: Design in a Nutshell (3/6). 2013.

Available from Bauhaus: Design in a Nutshell (3/6) - YouTube. [Accessed 12 November 2022].

MasterClass. Bauhaus Architecture: Origins and Characteristics of Bauhaus. 2021. Available from Bauhaus Architecture: Origins and Characteristics of Bauhaus - 2022 - MasterClass. [Accessed 12 November 2022].

Thank you.



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