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Week 1 - Psychological Self-Portrait

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

“I am trapped in loneliness; I am grabbing everything to deal with it”


why I depicted myself like that.

Design Process

1. How to depict loneliness?

This question confused me for quite a while. After some thought, I came up with these blue tone abstract patterns.

2. I feel like my mind is covered with feelings of loneliness. I took some pictures of my face and try to cover it with those blue tone patterns.

Techniques: I used the "Liquify" Filter in photoshop to make the pattern looks more chaotic and natural to cover my face.

3. I adjust the Hue and Saturation of the pattern to make it looks like the opposite version of the original one.

4. In terms of "fighting/struggling with loneliness," I came up with the idea that Creating a mask that tries to cover my face but there is still loneliness "The blue pattern" inside.

I used the same technique I mentioned in step 2.

5. few adjustments with shade details.

Physical Work

1. I was thinking about create something physical, I came up with some drafts.

2. I would like my audience to have the feeling that: “Nick seems warm and passionate, but when I really explore what is inside his mind, there is nothing but loneliness.”

3. I put ice water inside a bag and into this box to create the feeling of cold and loneliness.

I chose some yellow, orange and red fabric to create feelings of warm and passionate.

The tricky part is I try to cover the top of this box, just to make sure the audience didn't get the "loneliness" (Cold feelings) until they reach their hand inside my box(heart/mind).

Materials Board

Thank You



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