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Week 9 - Starting the poster

Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Drawing work.

The person I picked is Lee Alexander Mcqueen who is a famous fashion designer. He is famous for his finely tailored clothes as well as imaginative and sometimes controversial designs. He created a lot of amazing works that inspired future fashion designers including me. I admire him so much and drawing his face become quite pleasant for me.

Some of his works

Drawing Processes

I start to draw the face of Lee Alexander Mcqueen. I used 2B, HB and 2H pencils.

Supportive lines are used to located the facial features.

The contours of facial features.

Adding more details of ears and nose. HB pencil was mainly used.

I start to add the details of lips with the learning videos.

Adding more details and shades for the nose.

Adding details for the eyes with 2B and 2H pencils. 2B for the shading and 2H for the contour lines. Napkin was used to smudge the shades.

Adding more details with ears. I think the ear was the most difficult part. It's quite difficult to grab the layers of the shade.

I would say that I was too heavy with the contour lines of the eyes. I could not erase them after that. For the eyes, it is hard for me to apply the knowledge I learned from the drawing videos because the eyes section of McQueen's picture was too small. Maybe I need to large the whole drawing to get enough space for eyes.

Thank you!



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